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Functional Disability Inventory - Child and Adolescent Form (FDI)
Please email the authors for information about obtaining the instrument:
Supplemental: Headache, Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)-Pediatric
Short Description of Instrument
The Functional Disability Inventory (FDI) was developed by Walker and Greene (1991) to assess illness-related activity limitations in children and adolescents with a variety of pediatric conditions. It has been used frequently in the functional assessment of pediatric pain, including acute pain and chronic pain, such as in headaches. The instrument consists of 15 items concerning perceptions of activity limitations.
This version of the FDI asks children and adolescents about their everyday activities and the effect physical pain may or may not have on completing them.
Respondents rate the level of difficulty of each item from 0 ("no trouble") to 4 ("impossible"). A total score is derived from the sum of the items. Higher scores indicate greater disability.
Psychometric Properties
An examination of the psychometric properties of the FDI demonstrated that it is a reliable and valid measure of functional limitations for children and adolescents with chronic pain. The measure has demonstrated internal consistency and test - retest reliability and correlates with school absence rates (Walker & Greene, 1991). Currently, the FDI is the most common measure of functional disability for pediatric pain populations.
Claar RL & Walker LS. Functional assessment of pediatric pain patients: psychometric properties of the functional disability inventory. Pain.2006;121(1- 2):77-84.
Kashikar-Zuck S, Flowers SR, Claar RL, Guite JW, Logan DE, Lynch-Jordan AM, Palermo TM, Wilson AC. Clinical utility and validity of the Functional Disability Inventory among a multicenter sample of youth with chronic pain. Pain. 2011;152(7):1600-1607.
Logan DE & Scharff L. Relationships between family and parent characteristics and functional abilities in children with recurrent pain syndromes: an investigation of moderating effects on the pathway from pain to disability. J Pediatr Psychol.2005;30(8):698-707.
Walker LS & Greene JW. The functional disability inventory: measuring a neglected dimension of child health status. J Pediatr Psychol.1991;16(1):39-58.


Document last updated April 2020